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read this article we found about the differences between FUE and FUT hair transplants:

Despite misconceptions often made by patient members of our popular hair loss forum, FUT and FUE aren't opposing hair transplant procedures.  FUT stands for Follicular Unit Hair Transplantationwhich is today's gold standard hair procedure.  Follicular units are hair groupings as they occur naturally in the scalp typically containing 1, 2, 3 and 4 hairs.  FUT has replaced "mini-grafting" (more than one follicular unit typically in groups of 2 to 8 hairs) as the dominant surgical hair restoration procedure in the late 1990s.  For more information on the graft terminology and the history of hair transplantation, visit "Understanding Graft Terminology" by Coalition Member Dr. Ron Shapiro.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Strip Excision are two distinct sub-types of FUT that deal with how follicular unit grafts are harvested from the donor area.  Both donor harvesting methods produce follicular units and thus, fall under the larger umbrella of FUT.  How follicular units are handled and the process for implanting grafts into recipient sites are practically the same (although handling and placing grafts vary depending on the clinic - ex: stick and place versus pre-made incisions, holding solutions, varying implanting devices, etc).
The above referenced donor harvesting techniques (strip excision and FUE) are what is really being compared when FUT vs FUE is referenced.   Below, we compare these two donor harvesting methods in more detail. 

Comparing Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) to the Standard Strip Procedure

While the FUE procedure has grown in popularity, largely due to the minimally invasive way in which follicular unit grafts are removed, the standard strip excision method is still the most popular hair transplant procedure today.

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1 comment:

  1. Dr Kapil Dua, one of the leading hair transplant surgeon at AK Clinics Hyderabad. He is one of the most recognized hair transplant Indian surgeon throughout all the world as he is the Only Indian to be a member of the Executive Committee of ISHRS, USA – largest hair transplant association of the world; Board member of the ABHRS, USA. He has been doing hair transplant surgeries by FUE technique since 2007. Hair Transplant clinic in Hyderabad | Hair Loss Treatment in Hyderabad.
