Lasers: Destroyers and Creators of Hair

, by Unknown

ou've probably heard of laser hair removal; it works by subjecting the follicles to extreme heat, killing them and preventing regrowth. When you hear about laser hair restoration, however, this appears like an awkward case of irony in the works. It gives the idea that laser has the power to create or destroy hair on the spot, as much as water can support or ruin life. However, it's no joke; there's laser therapy that can regrow your hair, at least what's left of it.

Laser hair restoration is based on the concept of photo-biotherapy. Low-level lasers can be absorbed by the cells to promote metabolism and synthesis, resulting in a revitalized effort to produce proteins such as hair. Scientists are still in the process of discovering how the concept works, but it's widely used in cosmetics today. For the therapy to work, however, the head needs to have a number of follicles for the laser to target.

With laser hair restoration, you won't have to live with baldness or thinning hair for the rest of your life. A few sessions can get your hair up to speed growth-wise. When used with other hair restoration treatments, the effects of laser therapy will increase dramatically. More importantly, the Food and Drugs Administration has deemed it safe.


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